I thought I updated my blog, oh maybe about 2 weeks ago, and was surprised to realize it was over a month already. Another event that made me realize how fast the passage of time goes, is that today is the twins' 11'th birthday.
Eleven! Sounds so cliqueish, but, for real, where does time go? Wasn't it just yesterday we dropped Kaylah off at my mom and headed out the door on our way to the hospital to get this thing called "labor" started. Feeling fine and dandy, (well, as fine and dandy as a 9 month pregnant lady with twins can feel) I remember thinking ahead to the pain that awaited me, and that feeling of being led like a lamb to the slaughter house. (It actually wasn't as bad as I anticipated:))
How well I remember those newborn days, with not just one, but two colicky babies that had us pacing the floor and on the verge of pulling out our hair. Simple questions were met with blank stares as lack-of-sleep induced brain fog took over our normally functioning brains.
But we survived...and then, just like that, we were celebrating their first birthdays. First birthdays should always be special, with cake-smashing, party-bashing fun. We decided to go all out and give them a really special cake with a message announcing their gift to come.....You're gonna be big brother and sister!!!
Oh my. To be honest, not exactly what we had planned. Nevertheless, how can you help not getting excited over a new life?! And before we knew what happened, Carter joined our family. Four precious children in four years...what more could we want? Well, besides sleep and our sanity back again.
Those were the days...the days where the neighbor lady calls and wonders in a high pitch screech if those are OUR children on the road? Nine chances out of ten they probably are, so I grabbed Carter and ran out the door to investigate. There are times where I wonder if the term "dying from embarrassment" could actually be medically correct, and this was one of those times where I thought it just might be the cause of my death. The first thing I noticed was the string of stopped traffic in either direction. Then I noticed a miniature Adam & Eve on the road, minus the fig leaves, who looked eerily like my twins. Not being able to deny any longer that they actually were my children, I deposited Carter in the corner of the yard and went to claim my children and the run-away dog that had led them astray. As I headed back to the house with a stark- naked child on each hip, trying to get the dog to follow, and wondering how I'm gonna scoop up the third child, I tried to not think of what all the observers were thinking. Never before was I so grateful for the privacy the four walls of my house afforded me. However, it wasn't long before the doorbell rang and a blue-suited police officer stood at my door. In vain, he tried to keep the smirk off his face as he shared how he received a "strange call." With trembling and fear and humiliation I shared with him how our back yard is fenced in, therefore I trusted them playing out there, not knowing they are going to decide to strip, let the dog out and then when the hyper thing jumped at the gate and unlatched it, they felt it was their duty to go bring the dog back.
Or the time when the twins dumped an entire box of laundry detergent all over the floor, the dryer caught fire, one child threw an ice cream scoop down the steps, striking another child who was at the bottom of the stairs, who bled all over the place from the deep head wound and the third child fell over in a dead faint at the sight of all the blood, and while I cleaned up the bloody mess, the twins decided to decorate the furniture with Desatin and the washer sprung a leak emptying the entire load of water on the laundry floor. All in one day.
One thing that used to really annoy me when I was in the thick of crying babies, dirty diapers and messes of great magnitude, is when these dear older ladies would look at me and say, "Oh just enjoy these years! These years are the best of your life!" Really???!! You're telling me it gets WORSE? So not encouraging!
Wouldn't you know though, now that my "baby" is nine years old and the twins are 11, I do sometimes wax nostalgic about those days of cuddly newborns, innocent toddlers and the cute curiosity of small children. It's crazy how it's so easy to remember the good and forget the hard times. Which is a good thing:)
Anyway, I wasn't really intending on writing all this about bygone days, but I guess that's what happens when I don't know what else to write about:)
So, without further ado...here is a glimpse into our past month...
Things that go bump in the night
Three children, one bike...where there's a will, there's a way to make it work
Did you know weed-eating can kick up massive-size
boulders capable of causing head injuries? (Or not:))
Not only do I have to deal with Legos embedded in my foot, I now
have to dodge power lines strung through the room....more than
once I was the reason for a complete power outage in Lego land
Escape. It's now or never! I think those "delicious snack tips"
scared him into action! Maybe he'll stay out of my sink now!
Apparently we can concentrate on home work better
laying on the table with our legs stuck out the window
Tea...it's the beverage of choice around here. So much so that we have
to make a chart to make sure no one gets an extra cup than the other one.
By the sound of their conversations while doing dishes, you would think the kitchen is a torture chamber and the dishes are the pain-inflicting instruments...
A recent conversation...
"Mom, you know you said if we want to eat we need to work. If we don't eat, does that mean we don't have to do dishes?"
Me, "Sure! Go ahead, try it!"
Collin & Carter, "Yes!! Let's fast on the days we need to do dishes, then really eat on the days when it's the girl's turn! That way we never have to do dishes!"
I think they changed their mind somewhere between the time they woke up and breakfast.....
Helping some neighborhood boys build a tree house
The shed roof is the playground for the day
actual names but are identified by names given to them by the local people.
Beautiful scenery!
Our church had an evening of fun, food and fellowship while Ben & Jess
Martin were here. They served in Grenada for three years, so there were
lots of people that wanted to see them. Sheldon & Ashley Martin were also here
The children had fun playing in the sand...
Olivia, Christian, Celena holding Ellen, Christi & Kade,
Collin & Christi's 5th grade class and their teacher, Miss Stacy:)
I had the fun of substituting in the 3rd grade classroom while their
teacher went home for a wedding. I enjoyed it but I always raise
my hat a little higher to teachers after spending time in the classroom!
"Good Morning, Mommy!" Another day in the classroom and this
time I got to have the twins for my students...really enjoyed this day!
Kaylah goes down to LaBorie School three afternoons a week to help tutor...she loves it!
Carter, with his classmate and friend, Jamone
Carter in his classroom...4rth grade
One of the benefits of having a teacher here from our home church, is that we get to enjoy her visitors too!:) Stacy Horst's family came down to see her and her brothers stayed with us.
So good to see these folks from home! Ken & Marlene Horst...Kenton, Sheldon & Josh
Fishing in the dark
I wonder if Kenton regretted showing something on his
phone to the children...after that they were like leaches!
Chris enjoyed having some Rook playing buddies
I hope these fine folks don't mind being forced to carry the title Grandpa &
Grandma down here...cause that's the role they've automatically fallen into:)
We are enjoying having Arlen & Sharon Krabill as part of the staff in Grenada!
We spend a day at Yvonne making food for GBI...Grenada Bible Institute. It is a week
of intense Bible training for Grenadian youth and teachers, starting on Monday
This is as close as we'll get to being with family
over the holidays...our annual staff Christmas banquet
Singing in the evening
These two pictures, plus lots more, are what shows up on your
camera card after you give Celina free range of your camera:)
Carter & Trey
Christmas caroling at a retirement home with our church
tropical Christmas caroling while sweat runs down your back!
Visiting with the folks after Christmas caroling
And that's all for this month!
Prayer Requests:
Grenada Bible Institute....December 13-18
GBI Speakers....Ken Gehman & Eugene Sommers
Our family...pray that we can keep our focus here, especially over the holidays
Unity and commitment in our church
As a prayer warrior, you are a very important part of the work here in Grenada...
thank you so much and may God bless you much this Christmas season!