Last evening our church here in Grenada had their communion service. As Carter sat on the bench beside us, I saw he was writing a "letter" and I asked to see it. In a few sentences he had summed up some of the major events of the past months since we moved to Grenada. As I read his short simple sentences, it struck me how his little note began with "I love God & Jesus."
Yes, there have been some hard times these last few months, especially after Jared drowned, but my prayer is that I can "love God & Jesus" and trust all this happened for a purpose. God brought us here for a reason, all the "events" happened for a reason and I want to trust that He knows best even when we don't understand why.
This was on the front page of the Grenada Informer. It is not at all
accurate, but I thought you might find it interesting.

Sharing the family's pain from thousands of miles away.
Watching Jared Gehman's memorial service live.
A few last pics of Terre Hill seniors trip...the senior girls |
Touring with the seniors & chaperones...this guy is trying to earn
a little money by singing a made up tune to anyone who looks twice at him...
This time it was Leland that got the honors:)
The group that stayed in LaBorie |
We managed to coax out the wild monkeys!
Our water supply is low right now. Hopefully the rains start soon! They could start anytime, or it could go till late summer. They have been turning the water off for part of the day and it is often a rust color. Here Ryan is filling a bucket to take down to the school so they can flush the toilets.
And yes, I recently
James & Kaylah playing Connect 4. This game gets played for hours. It's good Kaylah is playing with someone older than her because she's used to always winning when she plays with her siblings. This guy gets in for all kinds of babysitting for us when we have PTF...
Carter and his mustard bread...he claimed he likes it so good thats all he wants on his bread
opening his gift from New Haven Church because of his broken
his siblings look on enviously. It was a very thoughtful gift...all
except the bike horn:) lol ..Thanks Ann!:)
And the latest business endeavor for the children. They have been making bracelets and selling them for a $1.00. This sign worked for about a day, then the sample bracelet was stolen and the next day the sign was stolen. The paper was for you to order as you pass by....write your name, color and amount of bracelets you want and she will be sure to deliver!:)
King pin of the Bracelet Company. It all works fine and dandy if they bow to her
long list of rules, but if you don't, you'll either get demoted or be out of the club....sigh
This is where they hold their meetings and strategize how to increase their profit flow and sales. I have recently been informed that they are dangerously close to foreclosing because they didn't patent their bracelets and now there are more students at school selling bracelets and taking business from them...
The production center and meeting room beside our house. Kaylah keeps a very detailed notebook on who made what and how many each person sold and keeps track of the minutes from each meeting. Where she lacks is keeping after paying her employees.
Unedited beauty...these next few pics I got off Collin's camera card. He had one
of my old cameras and I didn't realize he was taking so many pictures with it!
Carter trying to look cool, I guess
After we arrived home from church one evening to a ransacked house, the children had all kinds of ideas how to catch the culprits...from dusting for fingerprints with flea & tick powder, to making booby traps or someone simply staying home to constantly keep guard. We tried to stress that God is watching over us and will protect us. Shortly thereafter, this sign appeared on Kaylah's bedroom wall, overlooking her precious stash of treasures...either she is trying to instill the fear of God into the next potential intruders or she is struggling to forgive the first ones....
Another yet sign on her bedroom wall...
And that's all for now folks! Please continue to pray for us down here. These last few weeks have been some of the hardest yet. I am so thankful for praying friends and family. We all need each other!
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